Detailed Declaration
- Preparation and registration of detailed declaration via electronic signature at a customs for all regimes
- Preparation of all export and import documents (ATR, EUR 1, Certificate of Origin, Special Certificate of Origin, Invoice, Packing List, petitions, attached list, customs declaration form, etc.)
- Tax Calculations
- Legislation Follow-Up (Codes, Regulations, Notices, GTIP codes, tax ratios and details, etc.)
- ·Integration with all relevant logistic modules
- Automatic detailed declaration creation from the planning (position) screens for all the transport modes
- Automatic import detailed declaration creation from the non-bonded warehouse declaration and reports for the remaining amounts
- Ability to copy the declarations with or without transactions
- Ability to create declaration details from excel import *
- Archiving declarations and related documents electronically **
- On line (E-Birlik) export union registration
- Real time follow up of (tax, status, archive etc.) declaration files and current account details with customer user names and passwords. ***